Weight Struggles in Children and Adolescents

Obesity is on the rise for all age groups in the United States. BMI greater than 40 is considered morbid obesity meaning life threatening. Identifying and treating this in the younger generation is important as most kids who are obese are less likely to win this battle as an adult. Morbid obesity is a serious health condition that can lead to other major health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, joint destruction and diabetes. Prevention and treatment early can prevent these looming medical conditions as well as decrease one’s health care costs. Many factors contribute to these trends: Quick food sources, simple carbs, less active life-styles, more screen time, more depression and anxiety. What can parents do?


Start early in training children in healthy habits. Singling out an overweight child can stigmatize a child and inadvertently encourage eating disorders such as binge eating,  sneak eating, bulimia or anorexia nervosa. Working on healthy food choices family wide is important. Keeping fresh fruits and veggies ready and available is important and Keeping the junk food out of the house is also important. Junk food is high in carbohydrates and low in fiber and protein. These calories are consumed and stimulates the appetite for foods high in carbohydrates. Children need to see the parents eating healthy food and healthy portion sizes. Let the children choose meals during the week and participate in food preparation. Children and adolescents that participate in food preparation are more likely to eat the food they prepare. It also helps for these healthy habits to stick later in adulthood.  Eating on smaller plates is also a strategy to help with portion control without being overly restrictive. Several studies have shown that eating on smaller plates and bowls naturally limit the amount of the food consumption at one sitting without the participates knowledge. Lifestyle changes that stick are the goal so that habits work for us in a positive way for years to come.

No Sugar Drinks

Cutting out sugar drinks has been found to be the number one intervention in children to help lose the weight! With so many alternatives, cutting out drinks with sugar is so simple! It is shocking to read the labels on juice boxes. Some six ounce juice boxes have as many calories as a can of soda. Propel is a better option for those who need a little flavor in their water. One of my favorite alternatives is the Kroger fitness water. For 5 calories a packet, you can flavor your water and it is easy to carry with you in a lunch box or a purse. Sugar drinks can increase appetites and make the munchies hard to resist.

Limit Screen Time

Many studies have shown a direct link between the amount of screen time and the rate of obesity. Parents that limit screen time to 2 hours or less have shown an increase in activity of children thereby aiding in maintaining a healthy weight. Screen time is computer, phone and tv viewing. Starting these habits at an early age makes this easier to implement and maintain. Setting boundaries such as no TV during the week days or phones off after certain time depending on your child’s age is also helpful. Limiting screen time is not only helpful for the children, it is also helpful for the adults.

Eat at the Table

Eating at the table has shown to be beneficial in not only building relationships but also aiding in healthy eating habits. Most number one combos at the local fast food restaurants allow  one to consume around 1200 calories or more within 10 minutes. This calorie load allows for rapid consumption. Eating at home, allows healthier options and slower consumption allowing for the brain to register fullness with less calories. Most meals at home are typically healthier and less processed . Also, when eating out, the premeal breads and chips can pack in an extra 200-1000 calories before the main entrée. Some feel that eating at home takes too much time or is too inconvenient. Meal planning can be a valuable tool that can save your family not only  calories but also time and money. Sit down restaurants are not really faster than eating at home. With proper planning, meals can be on the table in less than 20 -30 minutes. Patients have also reported that since eating at home, they have been able to save as much as 500 dollars per month along with maintaining weight. Eating at the table also encourages conversation and bonding.

Encourage Participation

Weight Struggles in Children and Adolescents |

Encouraging activity keeps kids in healthy energy expending mode. The more children sit, the more their metabolism is in storage mode. Kids that move more burn more calories and develop a healthy metabolism building muscle that lends to more calorie burning throughout the day. If your child is not very athletic, encourage other activities such choral, drama, band or other hobbies so that your child is staying active.

Get a Check Up

Parents are encouraged to have their children checked for medical issues that may contribute to unnecessary weight gain. Autoimmune issues such as thyroid disease and type 2 diabetes are becoming more common in the younger population. Other medical reasons exist but are less common.

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